
Where & Why Do You Need Tactile Indicators

One of the most important aspects that architects and engineers must consider when designing a space containing hazards or high foot traffic is accessibility, which means ensuring that people are able to go out without encountering barriers that prevent them from doing basic tasks.

Tactile signals and indicators may be used to improve the accessibility of outdoor areas for the visually impaired. Blind individuals’ instrument choices are determined by the degree and type of their blindness, as well as their preferences, lighting, and familiarity with the location. People with visual impairments use whatever vision they have, as well as auditory and tactile information, to keep track of their surroundings and make travel decisions.

Alongside people who are visually impaired, these tactile indicators help guide people at venues and buildings such as train stations or shopping centres.

Let’s begin with the basics of tactile indicators, and then go on to their requirements.


What are Hazard Tactile Indicators?

The first thing that you think about when you hear “tactile indicators” is the yellow or orange bumpy paint lines on curbs or even on some busy streets. These types of tactile indicators (more commonly referred to as ‘bumps’ or ‘humps’) warn people who are blind or partially sighted of potential hazards ahead. 

Tactile Indicators are made of a variety of materials, including rubber, metal, and even plastic and are driven into the ground in a pattern. Installation techniques for these indicators include rolling, tamping, and grouting.

Tactile indicators are one of the many safety flooring alternatives that should be utilised in areas with a lot of foot traffic, such as public spaces and pedestrian thoroughfares.

The aim of employing tactile indicators is to create safe pathways and accessible roads so that individuals who can feel them underfoot or with a symbol cane may be alerted to the presence of a stairwell or a possible hazard.


Do I Really Need Tactile Indicators?

What are the main reasons for installing tactile indicators?

  • They shield the visually impaired from harm
  • They’re a guide for the blind
  • They’re designed to accommodate the needs of all walkers
  • It has tactile and visual signals for blind and visually disabled individuals
  • The anti-slip design of some tiles can minimise the danger of a slip
  • They help guide foot traffic and create deterrents for people to cross, such as at train stations etc


Where Should Tactile Indicators Be Used in Practice?

Tactile Indicators are particularly relevant in the following situations, whenever:

  • Pedestrians have to cross a road or walk on a street
  • Pedestrians have to crossover between two footpaths
  • There is an increase in traffic flow or there’s a high traffic area
  • There is a danger for blind people, such as stairs, slippery floors & dark passageways etc.

Events or Recreational Facilities

There’ll be a lot of visitors at an event or recreational facility. Tactile indicators, particularly around stairwells and other sporting or exhibition areas, are essential to provide a secure experience for your guests.


Parks & Nature Reserves

Parks are defined as areas with sloping and uneven ground. Some people use boulders and bodies of water as barriers. Tactile markers placed in these areas can quickly inform a large number of people of any hazards or dangers and prevent injuries. 

Installing these tiles in parks also allows the visually impaired to navigate the area easier, especially when there might be children or dogs running around.


Pedestrian Crosswalks

A clear indication of where a safe crossing begins and ends can help pedestrians considerably. The tactile signal helps to ensure that pedestrians do not cross the road until it is safe to do so by ensuring that they do not walk across the road until it is safe. Tactile indicators might be a helpful safety device for alerting people to changes in their surroundings and prompting them to look away from their screens, especially with an increasing number of individuals using mobile devices and being ignorant of their surroundings.


Retail Outlets

It’s critical that consumers have a safe and secure shopping environment. The majority of big retail malls and shopping centers provide stairwells or elevators. Tactile indicators outside stairwells or elevators may be a good safety precaution.


Bus Ports & Train Stations

People are frequently in a hurry when using public transportation platforms. As a result, to avoid any calamities and to accommodate vision-impaired passengers, appropriate measures must be taken. Tactile indicators on the boarding or leaving locations can assist.


Government Offices

We’ve spoken about the need for employee safety several times before. Employees and their clients are constantly shifting in the workplace. Tactile indicators may be utilised in this region to prevent trips and falls, especially near stairwells and doors.


Hospitality Venues

In places like restaurants and hotels, there are a variety of elevations and lighting types to consider. Managers may utilise tactile indicators as a result of this. Pedestrians are informed of the dangers they face, and it is used for both safety and navigation purposes.

It may be used on stairwells to decrease the incidence of falls and injuries, especially if the risers are uneven.


Schools & Hospitals

These are highly sensitive areas, and caregivers must use extreme caution to provide the greatest possible protection for the youngsters and patients. Tactile indicators on critical entry and exit points are strongly advised because the danger of trips, slides, and accidents is so high in these regions.

Tactile indicators serve multiple purposes and they’re essential in the modern world. These tiles help to keep people safe by providing a warning of potential hazards in the area. They are also helpful for navigation, as they guide pedestrians to their desired destination. Our team at CME Tactile is here to help you create a custom solution that meets your specific needs. Let us help you take one step ahead of your competition.